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Page 17

  In his face she saw all the love that he had been unable to express. Tenderness burned there like an eternal flame.

  He loves me.

  The discovery flared through her like fireworks, one spark igniting the next. Belle’s heart swelled as, for the first time, she glimpsed a future full of joy.

  AT THE RECEPTION, there were endless hors d’oeuvres, dozens of cakes, tray after tray of glasses filled with non- alcoholic champagne and an orchestra that played every romantic song ever written.

  After a while, Darryl got tired of snacking, quaffing champagne—at the bride and groom’s request, there was no punch—and even dancing with Belle. Holding her close under hundreds of watchful eyes and the glare of the Channel 17 minicam only made him yearn for the moment when he would get her alone.

  They would be spending a quiet honeymoon in Santa Barbara. Because Belle was nursing, they would take the baby with them. Since the hotel offered a baby-sitting service, however, they could still enjoy elegant dinners and private time together.

  He looked forward to walks on the beach and torrid evenings in a rumpled bed. Now that they were married, he thought, things should go more smoothly between them. Small differences no longer seemed important.

  At last, Belle agreed that it was time to leave. After changing into a green traveling suit, she leaned over the second floor railing and called to the assembly, “Bridesmaids and lady friends, take the up escalator! I’m throwing the bouquet on my way down!”

  With shouts of delight, her friends obeyed. Flashbulbs flared everywhere as the bride sailed downward and her friends escalated up. Into the air flew the bouquet of roses, carnations and baby’s breath, lace billowing behind.

  Down, down it came, and then Darryl heard a happy cry. A moment later, he spotted Janie brandishing her prize.

  “Next one to get married!” yelled Belle.

  Beside him, Greg nodded. “She’s got that right.”

  The only thing left to do was to take leave of their friends and families. There were lots of good wishes, and Belle’s parents gave them both big hugs.

  His own mother waited until the very end to say goodbye, reluctant to surrender her tiny charge. When it came time, Susan handed over her namesake with great care. “Belle, I couldn’t be more thrilled to have you as my daughter,” she said. “And I want to thank you for naming the baby after me.”

  Surprise flashed across the bride’s face. “The truth is, I didn’t know your name was Susan,” she confessed. “It was a lucky coincidence!”

  “How did you choose the name, then?” Darryl asked.

  “Oh, I named her after Susan B. Anthony.”

  He had nothing against suffragettes, but he could feel his hackles rising. “You should have consulted me.”

  “Why?” She snuggled the baby close. “You like the name.”

  Darryl drew her toward the door. “That isn’t the point. We’re supposed to be a team. Teammates don’t make important decisions without asking each other.”

  Belle gave everyone a farewell wave as she and Darryl reached the exit. “Don’t you trust my judgment?”

  “It isn’t a question of trust,” he growled as they went out into the daylight.

  Her voice drifted back to the onlookers. “You haven’t objected all these weeks.”

  “Because I thought you were naming her after my mother!”

  “How would I have known your mother’s name was…”

  Heavy glass doors shut out the rest of the words as they climbed into a waiting limousine. But from the way they mouthed phrases at each other as the car pulled away, the discussion was far from over.

  And they fought happily ever after.

  ISBN 978-14592-7421-1


  Copyright© 1997 by Jackie Hyman

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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